Converter -> OverviewLEGO is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, endorse or authorize this website. The applikation we like to present and share here for download is a converter that transferes model files from the Lego Digital Designer (LDD) to the open LDraw standard. The Lego Digital Designer is an official Lego tool to create virtual Lego models. Its free available on the official Lego website. The LDD is not only to design or view your models, it is also possible to order these individual models (under special conditions) in an Lego online shop. For more informations about the LDD you will find links in our links-sektion. LDraw is a open standard that was originally invented by James Jessiman in 1995. Today you may describe it as a collection of free software tools to create three dimentional Lego models on your computer. Many people, spread all over the world, have contibuted to a great software pool. Among others, you can find tools to build, convert, render and even animate. The range of available parts is rising continously. A big approval to the community! For more informations and applications for LDraw have a look at our links-sektion. The converter we implemented is capable of reading model files from the LDD and translate them into the LDraw file format. Experienced LDD users may object to: "The LDD is already capable of that by the export function." Thats right; but our converter can do a bit more than that by now. And there is more to come, hopefully. Of course you can download the converter from this webside. But first we should point out to the following: Our Application, the converter, can be downloaded as it is. We do not take charge for errors or any kind of damage to your system that is caused by our software. Grap your copy from the download-section. Even if the converter is quiet simple and in my oppinion self-explanatory, we decided to upload a page with a description; some kind of a small manual: How-To. | ist eine Fan-Website. LEGO® ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der LEGO Firmengruppe.